". Bakery Industry: Bulk handling in Bakery Industry

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Bulk handling in Bakery Industry

Bakery manufacturers are now installing bulk handling systems for their major ingredients like flour , sugar , fat ,butter and other ingredients .
Few of bakery product manufacturers are still operating on a daily receipt of raw material which may some times result in stock out or production re-sheduling which may result in sale loss .
Many equipment manufacturers are providing complete plant from silos , conveyors to automation . Few of them are


Most of these bulk handling uses pneumatics for their application or there can be conveyors for transporting material from one place to another .
Bulk handling for raw material has major advantages are

  • Major savings on raw material cost when procured in bulk.
  • Savings on loading and unloading cost and labour .
  • Stock outs are eliminated.
  • Automation can increase the productivity.
Bulk tankers can be arranged by flour , fat and sugar processing companies or manufacturers
  • Reduces procurement deptt follow up job s.
  • Increase vendor loyalty as you procure bulk quantities .
  • Hygienic as raw material is stored in Silos .
  • Inspection and stores procedures are reduced .
Bulk handling should be implemented if space in not a problem .Bulk handling has been implemented by most of the major bakery product manufacturer

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