". Bakery Industry

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Opinion Poll

Bakerybazar.com  team is thinking in terms of  establishing a  e commerce  platform for  opening of online store  or  platform  for various products .  Options available are 

1. Sell bakery products like  cookies, biscuit , cakes , wafers and rusk ( toast bread )

2. Sell  E books , articles , reports 

3. Machinery spares , consumables , moulds and pans , machines 

4. Food additives , colors , ingredients

5. Packing material like tapes, pvc trays , laminates etc 

Please share your  opinion  on  products you  would  like  to buy  ( go to the link )

Opinion Poll


Put  your comments  into comment box 

Thanks for your input

Contact Us - bakerybazar@gmail.com

" Learn all about bakery processes,bakery equipments and machinery,packaging , bakery ingredients and food safety.Each brand of bakery product has its own storyand history behind them to tell .Bakerybazar intends to discover and unravel these stories before you".You can submit for freePress Release,Product Launches ,New Technologies, Company Presentation, New Markets and Distribution Related News, Trade Show ,News Trade Mission Participation, Mergers and Aquisitions ,Financial Reports ,Product Sourcing Activities ,New Hires and other HR news--- any thing related to bakery industry. Write to bakerybazar@gmail.com