". Bakery Industry: Major Metal detector manufacturers for bakeries

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Major Metal detector manufacturers for bakeries

metal  detector , metal detection , metal check , metal
Metal Detectors are most critical equipment of all food safety equipment in bakeries as well as any other food industry . These are ccps for most of bakeries for HACCP . All food safety standards has SOP s for metal detector . Basic function of metal detector is to detect metal and other foreign particles in finished as well as wet product like dough . Its rejects the contaminated material through automated rejection systems or stops the production line .

Various brands of metal detector are found in bakeries .Few popular metal detector manufacturers are mentioned below

  • Locks Inspection systems Inc - Metal check , Met Series
  • Mettler Taledo - Safeline
  • Heat & Control Inc - Ishida , FastBack
  • Eriez -Ez tec
  • Advance Detection sytem - Proscan
  • Anritsu Industrial solution USA Inc - KD series
  • Fortress Technology Inc - Vector , Contact
  • Loma Inspection systems -Loma
  • S+S Inspection Inc - Genius
  • Thermo Scientific process equipment division - Goring Kerr , Thermo electron,Ramsey
  • Gorring Ker  Metal Detectors

    In India
    Technofour metal detectors are the most used metal detectors in bakery plants .


  1. You can request our free guide, "Reduction of Metal Contamination - Building an Effective Program" from Mettler-Toledo Safeline. It discusses metal detector selection and integrating into your plant's food safety program. Contact me at joseph.gianfalla@mt.com. You can also view a 3-minute capabilities video at www.impactmovie.com/mettler_toledo/

  2. Thanks for your comment Joe ,
    You can send this guide on to my email address

  3. Yes metal detection systems are very critical for HACCP. The usual issue facing many bakeries is the instalation and use of these highly sensitive devices.

    How to install a metal detector on a bread or bun line is extremely important. There are instruactions and artciles on how to do this at Industrial Machinery News (http://www.industrial-machinery-news.com)

    Their staff is also very knowledgable about metal detectors.


Contact Us - bakerybazar@gmail.com

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