". Bakery Industry: Additional equipments required for biscuit production line

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Additional equipments required for biscuit production line

Apart from basic equipments such as biscuit oven , mixers , laminators , packaging machine which are used by large biscuit manufacturers in their automated biscuit production line there are certain equipment requirement specific for certain varieties . We can call them accessories to the main biscuit production line .These are either permanently installed on the line or can be fitted on the production line during change overs .Varieties like Crackers , Cream , Nice , Milk and for additives like cashew , pistachio and other nuts would require these additional equipment on the biscuit production line.

To make your plant truly versatile you need to ask your biscuit plant and machinery manufacturer to make the plant for hard dough and short dough variety or in other words biscuit plant which can produce cutting and moulding variety .

Following equipments are

  • Oil spray unit
  • Milk spray unit
  • Flour dusting unit
  • Cashew or Nut sprinklers
  • Salt Sprinklers
  • Sugar Sprinklers
  • Biscuit Grinders
  • Sugar Grinders
  • Creaming Unit
  • Depositors
  • Milk Storage and preparation unit

When installing biscuit production line check for above mentioned equipments and make arrangement for them .


  1. Hi,I never thought that the biscuits we eat daily are produced with the help of these numerous equipments and machines. By the way thanks for sharing this knowledgeable article.

  2. Dear PAMMM,
    Thanks for your comment ,that is what our objective is !.Give you details and in depth information on anything and every thing on bakery industry


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