". Bakery Industry: Britannia Nice Time - A product review

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Britannia Nice Time - A product review

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Britannia's Nice is one of the popular brands of Britannia's products. Nice time is a one of the oldest brand from Britannia which has coconut flavour and sugar sprinkled over it which gives additional sweetness to the product . Gives good competition to coconut cookies .Nice has become a generic name for coconut biscuits.

Main feature of Nice time

Name of the product --- Nice Time

Taste -- Coconut flavour

Color - Dark brown , baking good

Bite- hard bite

Packaging- Good with metalized wrapper with pvc tray available in 173 gms .

Ingredients-Wheat flour ,Sugar,Edible vegetable oil ,Coconut products , Milk solid , Starch ,Raising agent ,Salt , Emulsifiers .

Added flavours ( Coconut and Vanilla )

Calories-455kcal per 100gm servings

Price - Rs 15.00 for 173.0 gm s

Competitors --- ITC Nice, Priya Golds Coconut crunch


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