". Bakery Industry: Sandwich Biscuit In Single Pouch

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Sandwich Biscuit In Single Pouch

Strolling in suburban  area  of   Bangalore   I  could lay my hand on  single sandwich biscuit packed in pouches similar  to  snack pouches  displayed  at various  retail  shop . The concept  was selling bigger size cookies  or single serving for  the consumer on go should have  a  market , its  just reverse of companies promoting smaller pouches  with  2-3 biscuits  for  price tag of Rs 5/-.

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The product has  been  marketed by INBISCO India Pvt Ltd , Chennai  with parent company  INBISCO  PT MAYORA INDAH  Tbk , Indonesia . Its being marketed by the brand name "  Danisa"   with Choco Milk Flavor  and  with attractive packaging .

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