". Bakery Industry: Bergen Cookies

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Bergen Cookies

Apetite  for  imported biscuits  has not died even  with onslaught of  international biscuits flooding Indian markets  such as  Oreo , Mcvities , Munchies  , Tiffany   etc .

bergen cookies , imported cookies , private  label cookies

Bergen  cookies  are  all over   the malls , super market  and  retailers  in Delhi  . Wrapped in attractive packaging  with cookies in trays .  What  attracts  the consumer  is the  size  of the ring shaped  with sugar sprinkled on top of  cookies  and   laced with  exotic  designs . The packs were  made in Poland.


  1. I have bought chocolate chip cookies made by Bergen and the first thing I noticed when I opened the packet was the smell of chemicals. This worried me however I thought it could just be poor packaging. The cookies taste awful/poisonous and I will be returning them to the shop and asking for my money back!!!

  2. bonjour
    connaisez vous la ville ou l'usine qui fabrique ces cookies en pologne? MERCI


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