EMS or Environment Management System are now being implemented in almost all bakery plants . EMS or ISO 14000 is an international standard which ensure s and put guidelines for a complete environment management system in an organisation .Its based on study of all throughput and outputs of manufacturing processes along with services which has significant Impacts on the business .Documentation and audits and corrective measures are similar to ISO 9000 .The major emphasis of ISO-14000 is on environment related issues which covers all of the legal compliance's and Pollution control . Companies have to declare and display their commitment to environment and pollution control through a environment policy . ISO -14001 also enhances corporate or companies image in public .Its also required for exports to certain countries .
Major areas of bakery which are covered in ISO-14001
Numerous projects have been implemented by these companies which has resulted in cost savings and better environment in around factories . Hope that companies would come forward and implement EMS in their plants and conserve resources.
Major areas of bakery which are covered in ISO-14001
- All legal compliance's about pollution other statutory licenses which covers
- SOP for critical operations
- Air pollution - Oven Flue gases through chimneys
- Water pollution - Waste water treatment and discharge of treated water as per the municipality standards
- Noise Pollution - Noise in around factory to be within permissible limits
- Energy and water conservation objectives and plans
- Occupational Health Hazards - Elimination of such jobs and concerns
- Fire safety and Emergency plans
- Waste disposal and its procedures
Numerous projects have been implemented by these companies which has resulted in cost savings and better environment in around factories . Hope that companies would come forward and implement EMS in their plants and conserve resources.