". Bakery Industry: Purchase department

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Showing posts with label Purchase department. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Purchase department. Show all posts

Purchase Role In Bakery Operations

Purchasing role in any  organization is considered to be  important as  it handles raw material which in turns have significant cost  impact on material manufactured . Purchasing is key element of  supply chain management of  any bakery   more ever in  recent times as sourcing are done  from many countries .Bakeries  with robust purchasing department  and experts  give better results than others .

 Every bakery entity has got a procurement department or a executive who handles all purchases depending upon the size of the bakery unit  .Big bakeries  have multilocational purchase  unit or in some case purchases are made from central unit .

 Purchase department primary role is to  get  right material at right cost , from right buyer , of right quality and in right time .

 Major role of purchase are following for  any bakery operations 


  • Raw Material , Ingredients ,  packaging material & fuel  buying
  • Service  contract
  • Vendor  Development
  • Vendor Analysis
  • Value Analysis
  • Annual  Contract ( Plant  and machinery )
  • Capital Purchases .
  • Maintenance and Repair contracts
  • Payments  to vendor .
  • Inventory control
  • Negotiations & long term contracts
  • Scrap management -  Laminates , dough , carton , metals  from plan and equipment , oil and ingredients
  • Getting licenses for  storages etc.ie liasioning with govt depts
  • Imports
  • Maintaining and Updating Vendor Master.
  • Follow up  with  vendors for Delivery
  • Warehousing/Stores
  • Imports
  • Services contract ( Others  excluding   plant and machinery )
  • Legal and laws of contract
  • Purchase Orders and Other Documents ( Quotation , PO , Indents)
  • ERP -Data Analysis

Purchase department in bakery are  responsible  for selecting the best offer  considering various aspects such as vendors capacity ,quality , delivery ( purchase order requisition) followed by purchase dept  inviting quotation from suppliers  and selecting the best offer considering various aspects such as vendors capacity , quality , delivery schedule ,price and other factors .Purchase orders are released against requisitions . Material is delivered on specified date and location by the vendors.

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Contact Us - bakerybazar@gmail.com

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