". Bakery Industry: bakery conveyor belt

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Showing posts with label bakery conveyor belt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bakery conveyor belt. Show all posts

Food Conveyor Belt From Habasit

 Habasit  one  of the world major  belt  conveyor  manufacturers  having representation in all major regions . It has come up with new  food conveyor  belts  as per FDA standards for pizza and bakery products

Habasit America introduces XVT-2396 TPU food conveyor belts to our food processing line. This blue colored belt food belt is calendared coated and offers a smoother surface for easier cleaning. The contrasting blue color allows for easy identification of food product rejects. This belt is most commonly used in bread, pastry and pizza processing.

food conveyors , habasit conveyor , pu conveyor , pu conveyors
for more visit  www.habasitamerica.com

Conveyor Belts In Bakeries

Conveyor belts  are mounted on various types of conveyor  to  perform transportation of  wet dough to finished goods to various places.

Factors  which are kept in mind while selecting conveyors belts  are 

conveyor belts , pu belts , pvc belts , cotton belts Hygiene

Bakeries  being food factory  require hygienic condition in material handling as they come into contact with food stuff . PU are considered to more hygienic then cotton conveyor belts


PU being hygienic  is costlier than  cotton conveyors  . Cotton conveyors are  low cost substitute of Pu conveyor belts  but has disadvantage of being  unhygienic if not monitored and changed regularly  . Small bakery with low budget  unit generally use cotton conveyors . Cotton conveyors are popular  among bakery plant across developing countries .

Kind of product to carry
Surface of belts are selected  by product type such as dry , wet or oily 

Load on the conveyor belt
Thickness of belts  are  decided on load factor ie what is the load on the conveyor

Angle  of  transfer
Conveyors of higher friction coefficient  are used when conveyors have angles


Conveyor material for selected with factors like product temperature  . Metallic conveyor belt are more suitable for higher temperature s.


Conveyor belts  should be easy  to install and dismantle as well as easy to clean or  repair .

Types of conveyor belt in bakeries

Cotton conveyor belt

Cotton n Nylon Mix  belt

Felt s

PU conveyor belt

PVC  conveyor belt

Metallic slat conveyor

Wire mesh and steel bands

Download report on various application  and types of  conveyor belt used in bakery industry

Contact Us - bakerybazar@gmail.com

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