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Allergen in bakery products

An allergen is a substance that can cause an allergic reaction. Allergens are substances that, in some people, the immune system recognizes as "foreign" or "dangerous" but cause no response for most people.

Food allergies are not as common as food sensitivity, but some foods such as peanuts (really a legume), nuts, seafood and shellfish are the cause of serious allergies in many people. Officially, the Food and Drug Administration,USA does recognize 8 foods as being common for allergic reactions in a large segment of the sensitive population, which includes, peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, milk, shellfish, fish, wheat and their derivatives, soy and their derivatives, and sulphites (chemical based, often found in flavors and colors in foods) at 10ppm and over. It should be noted that other countries, due to differences in genetic profiles of its citizens and different levels of exposure to different foods, the "official" allergen list will change.

Gluten -gluten free product are due to some people having allergy to gluten s.Gluten free bread and cookies are now availbale in market

Its mandatory to put allergen warning on packs . You would see allergen label on packed bakery product like " this product has nuts and milk traces"

Benefit of HACCP in bakeries

HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) is a system, which identifies specific hazards and preventative measures for their control to minimise the risk of producing defective products and services for the each step of the food chain. HACCP has been adopted by all major food companies and are mandatory for exports to certain countries . Bakery manufacturers would gain by implementing HACCP .
HACCP determines the critical limits in the critical control points (CCPs) in the process and determines the critical limits by monitoring and applying amendatory and inhibiting factors. It is very difficult to determine the source of the fault when there is a problem with the end product in the factories where in HACCP is not applied.
In brief, HACCP is a proactive risk management system that contain all steps of food chain, from raw material manufacturer to end product and analyse possible dangers and guard. In industry, for successful HACCP system, a successful team is required.Pre-requisite programs and Standard Sanitation Operation Procedures (SSOP) are also required for HACCP.

How do we implement HACCP ?
As described its s analysis of hazard in a given environment and declaring critical control points . We start with going through entire process of production right from raw material unloading to finished good dispatch. We take entire inputs and actions in process which might effect process . After that we rank them on a scale of severity .Those which get maximum severity scale are declared critical points hence controls are devised to minimise the impact
Factors taken could be hazards , impact on brand , legal compliance's , damage to health of consumers, etc . SOP are documented with logs and records for any deviation from standard procedures . Areas are marked numbered and highlighted so that every one knows what is the critical control point .Internal audits and external audits are conducted for compliance.

What Are The Pre-Requisite Programs?
(GAP) Good Agriculture Practice
(GVP) Good Veterinary Practice
(GMP Good Manufacturing Practice
(GHP) Good Hygiene Practice
(GPP) Good Production Practice
(GDP) Good Distribution Practice
(GTP) Good Trade Practice

What Are The Benefits of HACCP?
Preventing possible hazards and supplying safe products
Minimising risks of food poisoning
Making increase consumer confidence
Making increase industry authenticity
Supplying active auto-control system
Minimizing product cost
Maximising advantageous
Making easier marketing
Increasing products’ shelf life
Making solve product problems systematically
Making product export easy, due to it international acceptability.
Increasing food safety and hygiene conscious of food industry stuff.

CCP in bakeries could be : Haccp in bakery industry  have its own features which includes identifying  critical control points  which have significant  impact on the business .Haccp  for  bakery  industry  is the most potent tool in food safety management systems which also includes prp( prerequisite programs ,oprp (operational requisite programs) and ccp's .

Oven burners
Baking temperatures
Storage temperatures 
Metal detectors

learn more  on bakery business 

Contact Us - bakerybazar@gmail.com

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