Consumers have to remain vigilant on this front as to report immediately to the concerned authorities if they find any thing missing either in taste or any health related issues after consuming these baked items .Following are signs for poor quality of baked items such as
Presence of foreign particles ( metal , sands , insects , threads , plastic , wrapper )
Pungent small
Fungus or bacterial growth
Poor packaging - seal broken or open packs
Misleading labels ( ingredients , allergens , date )
Poor taste
Stale items
Burnt small or taste
Less Weights
Adulteration by mixing low grade especially cheap and low nutrient material
Mixing inferior items with ingredients or diluting standard recipes for profit
Substitution of ingredients lesser known or inferior brand
Bakeries would buy inferior brands at very low cost to save money and make profits at the cost of consumers well being
Recycling of spoiled material
Many bakeries are found to recycle waste dough or rejected material to cut down waste thus lowering quality of product .
Unsanitary working condition
Manufacturers are found to neglect the sanitation and hygiene part of process to which cases of infestation and report of foreign particles in product are reported by consumers. Not having enough staff to do the cleaning of factory premises .
Lack of personal hygiene and sanitation
Lack of monitoring and neglecting personal hygiene aspects of food handler to save cost .
Use of fraudulent weights and measures
Giving less weight as declared on pack weight or playing with moisture content to have heavier product at the risk of product quality .
Not all bakeries adopt these malpractices but for few who indulge in these methods to make quick profit. Regulators and consumers should remain vigilant against such malpractices .