". Bakery Industry: Africa A New Destination For All Major Biscuit Manufacturers

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Africa A New Destination For All Major Biscuit Manufacturers

Africa has become a hot market  for all  biscuit manufacturers  be it manufacturers in Europe , USA ,UK ,ME ,Asia . Every one is interested in pushing their products in African countries . Imported biscuits are cheaper  than   the local biscuit in most of these African nation . Most of these companies have manufacturing base either in african countries  itself  or in Middle east and North African   ( MENA )  countries .

Trades are done on contract manufacturing or  private labels for business houses .Distributors  for major  brands are also present in these  countries .

what makes these countries attractive are for the following reasons

  • Low to zero competition
  • Costlier local products
  • Higher  Competition  in the manufacturers country
  • Economic revival for some economies in Africa
  • Longer shelf life  for biscuits as per the foods laws in African countries
  • Biscuits have become staple food in many drought affected countries
  • Transaction in advance payment and in dollars
  • Large population needs fortified biscuits as govt sponsored schemes

Some of the major  market in Africa are

  • Morroco
  • Egypt
  • South Africa
  • Ghana
  • Nigeria
  • Ivory Coast
  • Tunisia
  • Kenya
  • Libya
  • Algeria

1 comment:

  1. can you send me the africa country wise sales value


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