". Bakery Industry: US Bakery Market Is Worth $ 30 Billion

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US Bakery Market Is Worth $ 30 Billion

US  is the largest bakery product manufacturer in the world  with China  and India  ranked 2nd & 3rd respectively .Bakery market revenue is estimated to $ 30 Billion  per year .Average consumption of bakery products by Americans is about 25.4 kg per capita .

A  report 

The US bakery industry includes about 2,800 commercial bakeries with combined annual revenue of about $30 billion, along with about 6,000 retail bakeries with combined annual revenue of about $3 billion. Major companies include Hostess Brands, Flowers Foods, and Bimbo Bakeries USA (the US operations of Mexico's Grupo Bimbo). The commercial side of the industry is concentrated: the 50 largest companies generate 75 percent of revenue. The retail side of the industry is highly fragmented: the 50 largest companies generate about 15 percent of revenue, and the typical company operates just one facility.

Demand is driven by consumer preferences and by the extent to which grocery stores choose to operate their own bakeries rather than buy from commercial bakeries. Profitability for individual companies is determined by efficiency of operations. Large companies have scale advantages in procurement, production, and distribution. Small companies can compete by offering specialty goods or superior local distribution services. Retail bakeries are labor-intensive: average annual revenue per worker is about $45,000.

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Major products include baked breads, mainly white, wheat and rye, which account for 40 percent of commercial bakery sales. About 20 percent of sales come from rolls, buns, muffins, bagels and croissants; 10 percent from soft cakes; and the rest from pies, pastries, donuts and a variety of sweet goods.

source  - www.researchandmarkets.com

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