". Bakery Industry: Kraft Inc

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Showing posts with label Kraft Inc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kraft Inc. Show all posts

Kraft Inc sets an example by reducing water consumption in plants by 21%

Food factories consume huge amount of water in their manufacturing process , cleaning and utilities . Kraft Inc world second largest food producing company has achieved reduction in its water consumption by 21% ( nearly 12 billion litres )in three years , a feat worth emulating . Kraft Inc has made this possible with objective driven projects on water conservation . Major plants are Kraft Australia , Bahrain ,Germany and USA .
These has been possible with following steps
  • Recycling and reuse of waste water from effluent treatment plants
  • Change in Cleaning and washing methods
  • Repair and maintenance of leaky pipelines
  • Installation of low water consuming fittments .

Even supplying treated water to road construction companies for their road compaction and dust suppression work.

Great Job ! water is fast becoming scarce we expect all companies to intiate water conservation project and save water.

Contact Us - bakerybazar@gmail.com

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