". Bakery Industry: mondelez International

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Showing posts with label mondelez International. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mondelez International. Show all posts

Mondelez A New Name For Cadbury India

Cadbury  India  would be now re -named as Mondelez   as confirmed by  news paper report . Cadbury India  which has been taken over by Kraft  Foods Inc  in year 2010  has now been given  new name as per Kraft  food inc  strategy  to split it business into  two new identity ie  International  business which includes  Oreo , Nabisco  other brands would be now under Mondelez International  Brand where as  North American  local products retains Kraft Foods Group name.

Cadbury to be Mondelez , Mondelez International , Kraft Mondelez , Cadbury IndiaAs per  the news report  the brand cadbury  would  continue to be displayed   with product  with Mondelez replacing the  manufacture name in labels .

Indian subsdiary  of Kraft  Inc Cadbury  are market leader in chocolate category  and are now manufacturing  OREO brand of biscuits under cadbury brand .Other products from Kraft Inc which are produced in India  are Tang and Trident .


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