Pakistan's biscuit and confectionery manufacturers association has asked government to supply sugar to biscuit factories as sugar availability in open market has been reduced drastically
The chairman of the Association Mr Maqsood Ismail has warned government for the closure of biscuit factories which would result in heavy job losses as biscuit and confectionery industry employs around two million people directly and indirectly .He also urged the Trading Corporation of Pakistan to come into action in this matter and make sugar available to them.
Source:Dawn News
Major player in Pakistans biscuit industry are
- EBM (English Biscuit Manufacturers (Private) Limited)
- Coronet Foods (Private) Ltd
- Continental Biscuits (LU)
- Montgomery Biscuits,
- Silver lake
- Mehtab Industry (Krunchi)
Together they constitutes approximately 70% of the branded Market.50% market share is still unbranded