". Bakery Industry: unsaturated fat

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Showing posts with label unsaturated fat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unsaturated fat. Show all posts

What is zero trans fat

Fat is major Ingredient of any bakery product after flour and sugar . Fat is considered to result any many diseases and main factor for obesity.
Bakery product manufacturer has started labeling as zero trans fat product . This is due to heighten consumer awareness and other international brands like Mcvities and other declaring there product as zero trans fat .Any serving have less than 0.5grams of trans fat and it doesn't mean that it has zero fat .
Trans fat (also known as trans fatty acids) is formed when liquid vegetable oils go through the chemical process of hydrogenation to make the oils more solid. This gives food a longer shelf-life and can improve taste, shape and texture. Some trans fat also is found naturally in small amounts in certain meat and dairy products.

Partial hydrogenation, the process used to increase shelf-life of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) / vegetable oils creates trans fatty acids. Many studies have demonstrated that trans fatty acids increase the clot forming tendency much more than saturated fats, by not only increasing LDL cholesterol to similar levels but also by decreasing the high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, (which is the good cholesterol). Several studies have found that intake of non natural trans fatty acids increases the risk of coronary heart disease Most trans fatty acids are contributed by industrially hardened oils. Even though trans fatty acids have been reduced or eliminated from retail fats and spreads in many parts of the world, generally available deep-fried foods and baked goods are a major and increasing source.
These are then substituted by Palm oil , Palmolien , Fully hydrogenated vegetable oil

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