". Bakery Industry: Britannias Marie gold

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Showing posts with label Britannias Marie gold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Britannias Marie gold. Show all posts

Vir Sanghvi On His Favorite Cookies

     Vir Sanghvi  India s Ace  political commentator  turns  his attention towards  his  favorite  biscuits and cookies . An article in HT  Brunch . Knows  a lot on  Biscuit market and trade .
Not only has it been a long time since Britannia ruled the waves, it has also been many years since Britannia ruled the Indian biscuit shelves. In my youth, Britannia and biscuits were synonymous. You had the Parle Gluco biscuit of course (apparently the largest-selling biscuit in India in that
era), but the ones that ordinary middle class families like ours chose to buy were Britannia’s versions of such British favourites as Bourbon, Marie, Thin Arrowroot and Nice (pronounced, we were told, like the city in France – not that it mattered as long as we got to eat the layer of sugar on the outside.)

I discovered later that this had to do with Britannia’s original corporate parentage (British companies with such reassuringly dated names as Huntley-Palmer) and the colonial desire to export great British brands to each corner of the empire.

Then, the Brits got taken over by Americans. Such giant conglomerates as RJR Nabisco (maker of the mighty Oreo which is to the US biscuit – sorry, cookie! – market what Coca Cola is to its soft drink sector) were placed firmly in control and the sweet old colonial brands started vanishing. Eventually, it all got very complicated with Nabisco being taken over by Wall Street bankers, Indian Britannia being sold, its new owners fighting with its new French partners etc. etc.

In any case, I am assured now that this avatar of Britannia, part of Nusli Wadia’s empire, has its own Indian identity and is so successful that foreigners try and steal its brands (Tiger biscuits, for instance). Fair enough. But two points are worth making. One: it is not the Britannia I grew up with. (But then, this is not the India I grew up in either so I guess that’s only to be expected.) And two: that the relaxation of food imports means that the shelves at my local grocer’s groan under the weight of so many imported biscuits and cookies from all over the world that the biscuits of my childhood (the great Britannia varieties) end up being relegated to the back of the shop while fancy expensive biscuits with French and German packaging occupy pride of place.


All In Good Taste - Hindustan Times

Britannia s Marie Gold - Product review

Marie Gold , britannia marie Gold , marie gold from britannia
Britannia's Marie gold is one of the power brands of Britannia's products. Marie gold has low sugar content hence popular with elderly people . Marie gold is also favorite tea time biscuit ,Its now available in Zero trans fat category .
Here some features
Name of the product --- Marie Gold
Taste - Good with some flavour of milk
Color - yellowish brown
Bite- hard bite
Packaging- Good , available in 337gms family pack , 171gms slug pack
Ingredients-Wheat flour ,Sugar,Edible vegetable oil ,Invert syrup , Milk solid , Salt , Emulsifiers and dough conditioners.Added flavours ( Butter , Vanilla ,milk)
Calories-434 kcal per 100gm servings
Price - Rs 25.00 for 337 gm s
Competitors --- Parle s Marie , ITC Marie , Priya Golds Marie lite

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