". Bakery Industry: togetherness bus

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Showing posts with label togetherness bus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label togetherness bus. Show all posts

Cadbury Oreo Rides Togetherness Bus Into Indian Market

pic courtesy-Brand Today
        Cadbury  Oreo which  has been recently  launched by  Kraft  in  India  is trying  every possible tricks  to make a dent in Indian cookies market .  Even as Oreo need no introduction  to  upper middle class who have been buying Oreo from  imported food stores in metros  ,it has to  break the strangle hold of players  like Parle , Britannia and ITC . A novel marketing ideas has been tried out by  Cadburys to  get into  consumers  attention  by  reaching out to family  by allowing them to have freaking time  together in a bus  laden with  Oreo cookies . It has also launched  social media marketing thru  Facebook  fan page allowing people to  be  Oreo ambassadors .

A report
Cadbury India, which recently launched the iconic biscuit brand Oreo in India, flagged-off its Oreo Togetherness initiative. Symbolizing moments of family togetherness, the Oreo Togetherness bus will travel across the country as part of a movement that will provide parents with a platform to bond and will encourage them to spend more time with their family.

The Oreo Togetherness bus will travel across nine cities – New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Pune, Lucknow, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mysore.

 Brands Today

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