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Pest Birds Control In Bakeries

Some times   bakeries  have  to  face  problem  from birds entering into  production hall . Pest bird control measures  becomes important  to prevent such  occurence . Bakeries being food factory  are  attraction for  these birds as they have different  kinds of  food available for them .

Bird can  enters  production hall through  entrances , roof   , damaged windows  and  gaps or holes in the wall s. . Normally birds which can be seen are  crows , pigeon , doves,sparrows  ,maina and even bats   in some cases .

Chances of   bird feces  , feathers and  debris  contaminating  the  products  are very high if these birds  are not stopped from frequenting  the production area .It has been observed that the feces  could even damage the exterior paints of wall with their stains . Huge cost  are incurred while  doing re -painting in such area s .  Arches  and chajja s are best  places for birds to build their nest s.

Here are few  Pest Bird control measures

Bird Netting 

Nets  could be placed under the trusses of building to avoid birds  resting places .

Bird s glue

Audio and lights

Bird Spikes

Spikes  are placed  on area frequented by the birds  so as  to prevent them from landing and then entering into bakery production halls

Bird mist

Mist  of  certain chemicals  prevent  these birds to come inside the production hall.

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Pest  control  in bakeries

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