". Bakery Industry: How to select mixer for your bakery unit

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How to select mixer for your bakery unit

Mixers are one of the important bakery equipments for any kind of bakery products .be it cake , bread , biscuits , cookies or wafers .

After working out capacities and space for mixers one has to see the purpose of the mixers as well as addition of ingredients ( feeding ) to the mixers whether its from the top , sides or front loading . Feeding can be automated for most of the cases .

Bread manufacturers needs spiral mixers or kneaders for dough making
Biscuit manufacturers needs z arm or sigma mixers and cream mixer which are planetary for mixing purpose .We get dough for hard , short and fermented type
Cakes needs planetary mixers for its batter .
Wafer have batter mixers and cream mixers ( planetary mixer )

Hence different type of mixers are required for different mixing operations

  • Spiral mixers

  • Kneaders

  • Planetary

  • Z or sigma arm mixers

  • Batter mixers


  1. very useful information on mixer.

  2. i would like to know if there are any fully automated bread production lines functioning in India...

  3. Dear Ananiah ,

    As far as my knowledge goes we have semi automatic plants where there few operations which are still manual in our bread plants .Bigger player like Britannia has semi automatic plants .With low labor cost bread manufacturers have opted for semi automatic plants .We dont have automation the kind of which we find in european bakeries


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