". Bakery Industry: swiss rolls in India

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Showing posts with label swiss rolls in India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label swiss rolls in India. Show all posts

Swiss Rolls By Monginis

Swiss  Rolls   which  were   launched  earlier  in 1990 s  and  were  not  so popular   has now being launched by big names in bakery industry . With  attractive packaging and  advent of new  indulgent middle income  group category  SWISS ROLLS  could be  money minting products for large scale manufacturers

Winkies Swiss Roll

Winkies  Swiss Rolls  are  now available  off the shelf in Delhi market .Swiss  Rolls  are available  on local bakeries  but to  produce and market it nation wide is another game all together  however  this company  "Dream Bake  Pvt  Ltd"  has  launched  swiss rolls  by the name " Winkies ", packed in cardboard tubes.

Swiss  Rolls were tried  by Britannia  in 1995 -1997   but  not with success and was called off . Swiss Rolls  are popular abroad .

Read  more swiss rolls in India .

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